New Releases Every Year!
Much of this music represents the earliest choral music composed in America!
Many anthems have been translated from German to English.
Anthems for Sale
Moravian Star Anthem Series
Published by the Moravian Music Foundation
You may purchase anthems online or by phone or email.
Contact: 336-725-0651 or
Most anthems are viewable and purchase-able in the MMF Shop
[ quick-look images attached to all anthems
and MP3s available on some. ]
Most Moravian Anthems are suitable for any Sunday in the church year,
but here are a few of anthems suggested for specific times in the year:
See Full Listings Below

Through the Moravian Star Anthem Series, the Moravian Music Foundation publishes anthems by a variety of Moravian composers and non-Moravian composers represented in its collections, including newly-edited works, some “old favorites” in new editions, and new compositions. Each publication includes biographical information about the composer.
Full score and orchestral parts are available through the Moravian Music Foundation. Where listed with the anthem, the instrumental parts and full score are available for purchase for $10.00.
DUE to LOWER PITCH at the time of composition (the Tannenberg organ in Salem is A=413), some anthems may be HIGH for SOPRANO. Each purchaser of 10 copies is eligible to receive a copy of the ORGAN PART IN A LOWER KEY. Please make the request to Johana (336-725-0651 or for either of these items.
For most of the SSAB anthems, tenors can either sing with the basses or with the second sopranos
The Moravian Star Anthem Series publishes one to five new releases each year. Watch this page for updates as new titles become available!
BLUE series anthems (actually, navy blue) are by Moravian composers of the past; new editions from original manuscripts from our holdings.
RED series anthems are by 20th / 21st century Moravian composers.
GREEN series anthems are new arrangements of older Moravian anthems, adapted for smaller choirs, in lower keys and requiring fewer choral and instrumental forces.
Pick your chart, then click on one of the tools to enlarge or download the PDF for viewing or saving.
Listed by TITLE
Grouped by COMPOSER
Grouped by SEASON or usage
Grouped by VOICING /Instrumentation
To order please call Johana at (336) 725-0651 or send an email to Anthem orders will be accompanied by an invoice that may be paid by check or money order, or you may pay by phone, or in person, with a debit or credit card.