Now Behold/ The Peace of God
Siehe da, eine Hütte Gottes/Der Friede Gottes
Gregor, Christian (1723-1801)
Text: Revelation 21:3. Psalm 84:1,Proverbs 8:31, Isaiah 57:15;Philippians 4:7
piano or organ
(Note: accompaniment part, in a lower key, is always available upon request, making the soprano range more accessible without the bass becoming too low. Pitch, at the time of this composition, was not standardized to A=440.)
Full score and string parts available (opt.)
General use, Benediction
Christian Gregor (1723-1801) has been called the “father of Moravian music.” He was born in Silesia and joined the Moravian Church when he was seventeen. He served the church as organist and minister and held important positions as a church administrator, visiting Pennsylvania and North Carolina in that capacity in 1770-1772. He was consecrated a bishop in 1789. Gregor was instrumental in Moravian liturgical development and introduced the use of concerted anthems and arias into the services. In addition to editing the hymnal of 1778 and the chorale book of 1784, he composed several hundred other musical works—over 1100 manuscripts of Gregor’s music are preserved in the American collections. He died in Berthelsdorf, near Herrnhut, on November 6, 1801.
Sponsor: Margaret Higgins, in memory of Archie Lee Whitley
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