Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The PEC’s of both provinces, meeting jointly last fall, authorized the formation of a committee to explore whether or not it’s time to begin work towards a new Moravian worship resource (“book of worship” and/or other sorts of resources). Towards that end, we have prepared two surveys and invite your participation.
Please choose and complete the survey appropriate for you.
One is designed for pastors, music directors, members of worship & music committees, those actively involved in worship planning:
The other is designed for anyone in your congregation who wishes to participate, and we fervently hope for a very large response:
Or, you may prefer it as a printable PDF:
Worship Resource – General Survey
Worship Resource – Pastors, Music Directors, Leaders Survey
We are asking for survey responses by July 1, 2017, and we long for as broad a participation as possible!
With appreciation,
Rev. Nola Reed Knouse
For the New Moravian Resource Exploration Committee
(Committee members: Thomas Baucom, Rebecca Craver, Brian Dixon, Chris Giesler, Aaron Linville, Lillian Shelton).