The Board of Trustees has established three awards: the Moramus Award, the Award of Merit, and the James V. Salzwedel Award. Nominations for these awards should be written and submitted to the Nominations and Awards Team of the MMF Board. (Contact: Chris Ogburn 336-725-0651 or Jan Harke 610-866-3340 [ emails:,, This Team, upon investigation and evaluation, shall recommend, with appropriate documentation, candidates for these awards to the Board of Trustees for action.
MMF staff members also receive awards: (allow us to toot our own horn!)

Both Nola Reed Knouse and Gwyneth Michel were presented with the Moramus Award during the 26th Moravian Music Festival, July, 2022 in Bethlehem, PA.

At the Annual Meeting of the Wachovia Historical Society, October 18, 2022, the Archie K. Davis Award was presented to Barbara Strauss and David Blum for their work creating GemeinKat – the catalog of the Gemein (community). This project shares (free; online) details about every piece of music in the holdings of the Moravian Music Foundation, creating tens of thousands of digital records. Now nearing completion, this project has put Moravian music and history in the forefront of musicological and historical research, not to mention onto concert stages and digital audio recordings.
These two extremely knowledgeable persons have been working together full-time for nearly 8 years. Not only have they brought countless previously-unknown facts to light in their painstaking, detailed, research; working with scholars and with technological experts, around the world, they have pushed forward the technological capabilities of online cataloging.
The Archie K. Davis Award recognizes contributions to history and research, and the sharing of it in ways that spark interest locally, regionally, nationally, and even globally.
Celebrating Gwyn’s Legacy and Impact on Moravian History and Music.

Gwyneth Michel, Assistant Director of MMF, was presented with the Heritage Award from the Moravian Historical Society on Saturday, Aug. 30, 2022! (l to r) Riddick Weber, Tina Giesler, Hank and Karen Naisby, Gwyn, Linda and Dave Wickmann. Susan Ellis, MHS Director, is far right. Thanks to Riddick for sharing the photos.
Awards recognize the dedicated service; joyful sharing of the gift of music in and beyond worship; and contributions to preserving, sharing, and celebrating Moravian musical culture.

Description and Listing of all Awards
The Moramus Award
The Moramus Award is the Foundation’s most prestigious recognition. It was initiated in 1961 to honor scholars, musicians, and others whose activities and achievements have resulted in outstanding contributions to American Moravian music.

A Moramus award recipient may have furthered the work of the Moravian Music Foundation or may have had a positive influence upon the goals and stature of the Foundation. Award nominees will have exhibited beyond any doubt their qualifications for this award.
The Award of Merit
The Award of Merit, established by the Board in 1973 and activated in 1982, is given to deserving groups or individuals who have shown an uncommon interest in the Moravian Music Foundation by the contribution of their time, talent, money, or material possessions. It is to be given more freely than the Moramus Award. Nominations of candidates for the Merit Award may be presented to the Nominations and Awards Committee or may be initiated by the committee itself.
The James V. Salzwedel Award
The James V. Salzwedel Award for Excellence in Church Music (established April 2004) focuses on Moravian music at the most immediate level: that of the music life of the congregation. Recipients will show significant contributions to the musical life of the congregation(s) they have served, over an extended period of time. Recognition for these individuals affirms the vital importance of music in Moravian worship; the vital role played by accomplished musicians in leading the music programs in the congregations, in encouraging and supporting congregational song, in the development of musical skills for all members of a congregation, and in guiding young people in their musical and spiritual growth.
While most musician recipients will hold positions such as choir director, organist, or band director within a congregation (or be retired from such a position), it is possible that a volunteer member of a congregation’s music program may have made such a significant contribution to that congregation’s musical life that the award is clearly merited. Individuals may suggest individuals to the MMF staff or the Nominations and Awards Committee.