of the
8th Bethlehem Conference on
Moravian History & Music
Saturday, August 19, 2023
7:00 p.m.
Foy Concert Hall, Moravian University
Jeffrey S. Gemmell, Artistic Director and Conductor (jeffrey.gemmell@millersville.edu)
The Lititz Moravian Collegium Musicum is a select chamber ensemble of professional musicians, from south central Pennsylvania and beyond, whose mission is to provide a glimpse into the distinctive musical life and culture of early Lititz, PA. The chamber orchestra will present a concert on Saturday, August 19, 7:00 p.m. at Foy Concert Hall, Moravian University. It is the final event of the 8th Bethlehem Conference on Moravian History and Music and is open to the public for a $15 suggested contribution at the door.
A reception sponsored by the Moravian Music Foundation and Moravian Historical Society will follow.

See Map for Priscilla Payne Hurd Campus, South
Information: Click on “FOY CONCERT HALL”
A Lititz Collegium Musicum gathering embodies a musical time-traveling adventure with a performance of rarely heard works edited by Artistic Director and Conductor, Dr. Jeffrey Gemmell. Repertoire is chosen to reflect the historic significance and distinctive nature of the Lititz Collegium Musicum Collection, which is curated by the Moravian Music Foundation and housed in the Northern Province Moravian Archives, Bethlehem. Wide-ranging styles and genres represent the late-18th- and early-19th centuries and will include overtures, sinfonias, minuets, solos, duets, trios, Parthien (Harmoniemusik), military marches, and vocal works. Moravian and non-Moravian composers are represented: J. C. Bach, J. G. Naumann, J. Bechler, J. F. Früauff, P. Wolle, J. Herbst, R. L. Boccherini, J. F. Grenser, W. A. Mozart, J. C. Weidner, G. Demachi, C. Stamitz, A. Gyrowetz, and P. Wranitzky. The audience participates throughout the concert by singing hymns accompanied by full orchestra.
Since its resurrection in 2018 as Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s “newest, yet oldest, chamber orchestra,” audiences have enjoyed distinctive, informative, and fascinating gatherings in the community where it all began. Please join us for this special event as the Lititz Collegium Musicum travels to Moravian University’s Foy Music Hall, Bethlehem, for you to experience “history you can hear!”

August 17 – 19, 2023
Scholarly presentations, Walter Vivian Moses Lecture, Moravian Historical Society Lecture, reception, luncheons, performances, concert.
Attend in-person or online.
The conference is sponsored by Moravian Archives, Moravian University, and Center for Moravian Studies, in partnership with Moravian Music Foundation, Moravian Theological Seminary, Moravian Historical Society, and Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites, with additional funding generously provided by Bethlehem Area Moravians and Penn State University P
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