MMFS0907 Lord Christ Jesus, Our Salvation Henkelmann, Brian Text: verse 1, Jan Hus (circa 1410); verse 2, Ernst Christoph Homburg (1659)
2 part $1.75 Lent, Communion
MMFS0807 Wounded Lamb! By Your Self-Offering Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Text: Holy Communion hymn, anon.
SATB $1.95 Lent, Communion, General Use
MMFS1905 Kyrie White, James C. Text: Latin mass
SATB $2.25 Lent, General
MMFS1703 Lamb of God Erbe, E. I. Text: Latin mass, based on John 1:29
SATB $1.95 Lent, General
MMFS1705 Those Who Sow With Weeping Peter, Johann Friedrich Text: Psalm 126:5-6
SSAB $1.75 Lent, General
MMFS0801 Christ By His One Sacrifice Graun, Karl Heinrich Text: based on Hebrews 10:14, and an 18th century hymn
SATB $1.95 Lent, General
MMFS1111 In Truth, He Bore Our Affliction Graun, Karl Heinrich Text: Isaiah 53:4-6
SATB 1.75 Lent, General
MMFS0909 Christ, and Him Crucified Knouse, Nola Reed Text: Liturgy for Lent (from the Moravian Book of Worship)
SATB $1.75 Lent, General
MMFS1302 Lord of Life (The) Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm Text: J. G. von Herder
SATB $2.25 Lent, General
MMFS1716 Truly He Has Borne Our Frailty Herbst, Johannes Text: Isaiah 53:4-5
SATB $1.95 Lent, General
MMFS0904 In Stillness Gregor, Christian Text: adapted from Exodus 31:17, 16:23
SSAB, flute, ‘cello $1.75 Lent, Great Sabbath
MMFS1501 Behold, O There’s a Sight Peter, Simon Text: Christian Gregor
SATB $1.75 Lent, Maundy Thursday
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