Der 40. Brüderische Bläsertag findet vom 6.-10. Juni 2025 in Königsfeld im Schwarzwald statt.
The 40th Brüderische Bläsertag, or Moravian Brass Festival, will take place from June 6th to 10th, 2025 in Königsfeld in the Black Forest, Germany.
This event happens every 2 years in Europe and is run very similar to our Unity Brass Festival in 2018. It is a long weekend with the final concert 4:00pm Sunday, outdoors in the park. There is then a big party on Sunday evening! Since it is held on Pentecost weekend, they have additional activities and tours on Monday.
There are 5 Moravians, so far, from the US, planning to attend; we would love for you to join us!
To assist you, Erik has English translations of most of the information, below. When you are at the Festival, you will find that most Germans speak English. The Dutch, Danish, and Latvian Moravians also speak English.
-Erik Salzwedel, MMF Operations and Communications
Disclaimer: The Moravian Music Foundation is not organizing a tour to Germany; we are sharing information. Each individual must make their own arrangements. The organizers will be very helpful and accommodating if you reach out to them (in English is fine) – helfen@blaesertag2025.de. From here on, when these instructions say “we” it is a translation of the Festival information and does not refer to MMF.
Programm = Overview
Ausflüge = day trips to places of interest
Unterkünfte = accommodations
Anmeldung = registration
How much does the brass festival cost?
Children up to and including 6 years of age are exempt from fees. 7 -12 years = €90 | 13 – 17 years = €110 | 18 years and older = €160 | The fee is the same for brass band players and guests.
T-shirts will be distributed at registration on Friday.
Bildaufnahmen = states that photos and video will be taken during the event.
Programm (Overview)
Registration is in two parts. You will register on the registration page and then use the “shop” (store) platform to reserve your rooms. Meals (the ones on the schedule) are included.
Anmeldebedingungen *
I confirm the following registration conditions: If you cancel, 50% of the participation fee will be retained. If you cancel 2 weeks or later before the Festival, the entire fee will be retained.
Ablauf (Schedule)
They use a 24 hour clock : Uhr = o’clock
Freitag (Friday)
- 16:00 Uhr Anreise (arrival)
- 18:00 Uhr Abendessen (supper)
- 20:00 Uhr Eröffnung (opening – welcome) mit Abendsegen (Vespers). Im Anschluss gemütliches Beisammensein. (Afterwards, a cozy get-together)
Samstag (Saturday)
- 08:00 Uhr Frühstück (breakfast)
- 09:00 Uhr Morgensegen (morning devotions)
- 09:30 – 12:15 Uhr Probe (Rehearsal)
Parallel für Nichtbläser: Albert Schweitzer Museum (for anyone not in rehearsals) - 12:30 Uhr Mittagessen (lunch)
- 13:30 Uhr Probe
- 15:00 Uhr Kaffee/Tee
- 15:30 Uhr Workshops
- 18:00 Uhr Abendessen
- ca. 19:30 Uhr Konzert: Blech⁴ und Traugott Fünfgeld (brass quartet and organ)
https://www.traugott-fuenfgeld.de/ Blech⁴ is the name of a brass quartet that plays chamber music delights from the Renaissance to the modern era, using literature for brass and trombone choirs.
Anschließend Ausklang (no other activities planned after the concert)
Sonntag (Sunday)
- 07:30 Uhr Frühstück
- 09:00 Uhr Probe
Probe für den Gottesdienst, jeweils in den verschiedenen Gemeinden.
(rehearse and then each group plays for different churches around the community) - 10:00 Gottesdienste (Worship Service, each group at a different church)
- 12:30 Uhr Mittagessen
- 13:30 Uhr Probe im Kurpark (Spa Park, probably means a healing spring nearby)
- 15:30 Uhr Kaffee/Tee
- 16:00 Uhr Konzert im Kurpark (Concert at the public Spa Park)
mit anschließendem Gruppenfoto (afterwards, a group photo) - 18:30 Uhr Abendessen
- 20:00 Uhr Bunter Abend (this means a fun evening of skits, songs, jokes, tricks, etc.)
Montag (Monday)
- 08:00 Uhr Frühstück
- 09:15 Uhr Choralblasen (I think this is like our play-around – a chance to play through Moravian chorales)
- 10:00 Aufbruch zu den Tagesausflügen (departure to day trips)
- 18:00 Uhr Abendessen / Grillen (you can guess what this is)
- 08:00 Uhr Frühstück
- 09:30Uhr Choralblasen mit Reisesegen (play-around with prayers for safe travel)
Right now, there are some rooms available in the INTERNAT and more in the Schwarzwald Parkhotel. – Erik
Here are translations of the Accommodations page:
Unterkünfte (Accommodation)
Some accommodations in Königsfeld have been reserved for the brass band day. Most in walking distance. These can be booked/reserved via the shop (store) on the website. The number of rooms still available is displayed in the shop.
INTERNAT – There are several rooms available, directly on the church square (Zinzendorfplatz), some of which are in the rooms of students who are away on holiday.
DAVID II – Chic (boutique) Hotel in the center of town with comfort and privacy.
HAUS REGENBOGEN (rainbow house) – cozy guesthouse in Königsfeld to re-energize.
SCHWARZWALD PARKHOTEL – on the outskirts of town, a full-service hotel. You need to make your own reservations for this one: https://www.swph.de/zimmerpreise-pauschalen/ You may want a car, but it is walkable.
MASSENLAGER – The school has several classrooms available where young people can set up camp with their own sleeping mats and sleeping bags.
PRIVATE HOMES – We are busy collecting accommodation in private households in Königsfeld. The perfect opportunity to get to know Königsfeld residents, personally.
The Bläsertag music is in piano score (see examples). You pick which part you want to play. All are expected to read treble in C or Bb for upper instruments. Tenor and Bass instruments should read the bass clef, but there are occasions when the lower instruments read the treble clef (optional).
You will need this music book which has all parts in C.
or in Bb https://www.stretta-music.de/gloria-2024-nr-1713591.html
Note: the Bb book has treble parts in Bb and bass clef parts in C (concert pitch).
Several additional pieces are available here in PDF.
Additional Sheet Music, not in Gloria 2024
Concert Program

Brochure and Church History
Can I come along even if I don’t play wind instruments?
Everyone is welcome! The program is no different from that for wind instruments, apart from the rehearsals and workshops. During this time, however, you can go on your own, for example, to see the Albert Schweizer House, have an ice cream in downtown Villingen, or drive to the Triberg waterfalls. Maybe you’ll find others who would also like to go on a trip.
Can I leave earlier?
The planned program will end with the evening blessing on Monday. Anyone who unfortunately must leave early can of course do so. However, for organizational reasons, the entire participant fee and accommodation costs must still be paid.
I would like to help, where can I get in touch?
Great, every bit of help is needed! If you want to help with setting up/taking down, the drinks stand, washing up, reception, etc., write a short email to helfen@blaesertag2025.de or use the contact form.
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