May 18, 2025
Resources and Materials for Worship Leaders.

Celebrating Hellström, Voullaire, and Moravian Romanticism: Treasures of 19th Century Moravian Music
Recognizing that music is a means of proclaiming the Gospel, we celebrate Moravian music on the fifth Sunday of Easter. At a time when our own world seems to be rapidly changing, we can find some comfort in listening to the sounds of earlier Moravians who also recognized that through it all, God’s love remains eternal.
It is perfectly acceptable to select an alternate Sunday to celebrate Moravian music.
Please share your plans with us, either before or after!
Resources & Materials Available:
Liturgy, Order of Service, Bulletin Insert/Flyer, Statement to Read, Music Suggestions, and Letter to Pastors and Worship Leaders
For WORD documents, please email us at
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