More About
the MMF Staff

You’ve seen our pictures and skimmed our biographies; you’ve perhaps met us at a Festival or concert or event; but what do you REALLY know about the Moravian Music Foundation staff? I thought it might be fun to let you know some of the really important things … so here goes!
Sarah’s desk isn’t always THAT clean … but almost!
About Dave Blum, Research Librarian
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? When it comes to cookies and ice cream, I paraphrase Will Rogers: “I never met a flavor I didn’t like.” That said, mint chocolate chip has been a favorite since I was a kid.
Your favorite movie of all time? Similarly difficult, but those with oft-quoted lines: Princess Bride, various Mel Brooks movies, Pink Panther movies
A hobby or pastime in your “off hours” (yeah, WHAT off hours?)? Watching TV (I’m a news junkie), reading, music editing (back to that “what off hours” thing)
Your favorite season of the year? Fall (unfortunately, it doesn’t last very long in North Carolina)
And finally a different profession or line of work you could almost have seen yourself doing instead of what you are now doing? Architecture
About Gwyn Michel, Assistant Director:
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? I can’t eat ice cream, but if/when I could chocolate mint chip was always my favorite
Your favorite movie of all time? THE WIZARD OF OZ!
A hobby or pastime you enjoy in your “off hours” (yeah, WHAT off hours?)? TRAVEL!!!
Your favorite season of the year? No idea…Winter (i.e., Christmas), I suppose…
A different profession or line of work you could almost have seen yourself doing instead of what you are doing? Despite the fact that I’ve always viewed myself as a church musician, there was a time when I wanted to be an architect (seriously!); wouldn’t have wound up there though, I’m sure.
About Sarah Durham, Office Manager:
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? I’m lactose intolerant so no ice cream for me! But I do like orange sherbet on a waffle cone!
Your favorite movie of all time? Elf
A hobby or pastime you enjoy in your “off hours” (yeah, WHAT off hours?)? Anything active (going to the gym, kayaking, hiking, yoga, running)
Your favorite season of the year? FALL
A different profession or line of work you could almost have seen yourself doing instead of what you are doing? A world traveling music therapist. Or as a little Sarah would have said a ballerina!
About Erik Salzwedel, Business Manager:
Your favorite flavor of ice cream? Graeter’s black cherry chocolate chip
Your favorite movie of all time? A Little Romance, all the James Bond films; TV Shows: Seinfeld, Andy Griffith Show.
Favorite comedian, Steven Wright, quotes: You can’t have everything. Where would you put it? I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time! I went to a restaurant that serves “breakfast at any time,” so I ordered French toast during the Renaissance!
A hobby or pastime you enjoy in your “off hours” (yeah, WHAT off hours?)?
Music composition; Planting/pruning trees and shrubs; roller blade/skating
Your favorite season of the year? Autumn, but…
Greatest Concern: Catastrophic Climate Change
A different profession or line of work you could almost have seen yourself doing instead of what you are doing? Professional Cyclist, notwithstanding the talent, strength and stamina requirements. Park/Forest Ranger.
About Nola Knouse, Director:
Your favorite flavor of ice cream? Orange sherbet/vanilla combination
Your favorite movie of all time? Probably “Hunt for Red October”
A hobby or pastime you enjoy in your “off hours” (yeah, WHAT off hours?)? Working in the yard
Your favorite season of the year? Spring, outside at the farm
A different profession or line of work you could almost have seen yourself doing instead of what you are doing? Biomedical engineering
So. Now you know.
Although most of our conversations with so many of you relate almost exclusively to music, we do all indeed “have a life” beyond the Moravian Music Foundation! And that life brings richness to our work here, as our work here deepens the joy in each of our lives.
Next time … About Writing Hymns!
The Moravian Music Foundation preserves, shares, and celebrates Moravian musical culture…
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