GemeinKat is the online database of MMF’s collections
accessible and searchable from anywhere in the world!

GemeinKat is on WorldCat and accessible and searchable anywhere in the world!
Records in GemeinKat are searchable in WorldCat.org and will appear in Google search results. The Moravian Music Foundation provides free online access to the GemeinKat catalog of collections, which allows scholars and musicians to locate items within the extensive holdings of the Moravian Music Foundation and other libraries.
Since the catalog includes the collections of the Moravian communities from the 18th through the 21st centuries, the name GemeinKat is reflective of that purpose (Gemein- from the German word for community or fellowship, and –Kat for catalog).
GemeinKat is available to the public, on the internet, at moravianmusic.on.worldcat.org and is a WorldCat Discovery catalog, developed by OCLC, a nonprofit organization that provides services to thousands of libraries worldwide. Through WorldCat, users have the potential to access more than 1.8 billion items in libraries around the world.

EXAMPLE – Opening Search Page of Gemeinkat