The Moravian Lower Brass plays Favorite Hymns
– a question which is answered in jubilant affirmation.
The Moravian Lower Brass is the band equivalent of the sonority of a men’s chorus and produces a mellow, rich, and uniquely expressive sound. The 50 players participating in this recording include members of eighteen Moravian churches and fellowships and seven non-Moravian churches. The music of this recording is taken from the chorale books of the Moravian Church in America.

HARMONIOUS TO DWELL: Moravian Lower Brass Plays Favorite Hymns
1 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (AZMON)
2 The Spacious Firmament on High (from Haydn Creation)
3 My Jesus, As Thou Wilt (38 E POACHER)
4 I Love to Tell the Story (HANKEY)
5 To God Be the Glory (39 J)
6 Fairest Lord Jesus (33 C, CRUSADER’S HYMN)
7 How Firm a Foundation (39 H, FOUNDATION)
8 They Who Jesus’ Followers Are (11 A, HERRNHUT)
9 Rock of Ages (581 L, TOPLADY)
10 Just I Am (277 E, WOODWORTH)
11 Abide With Me (32 K, EVENTIDE)
12 O God, Our Help in Ages Past (14 H, ST. ANNE)
13 Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire (14 Nn, DUNFERMLINE)
14 The Church’s One Foundation (151 L, AURELIA)
15 Jesus Calls Us (16 O GALILEE)
16 Now Thank We All Our God (146 A, NUN DANKET)
17 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (22 Nn, SOLID ROCK)
18 When Jesus Wept (22 Oo)
19 He Leadeth Me (22 Ii)
20 Hark! The Voice of Jesus Crying (167 R, ELLESDIE)
21 Amazing Grace (14 Ii)
22 Be Still, My Soul (FINLANDIA)
23 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (22 P, HAMBURG)
24 Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone (14 Ss, MAITLAND)
25 Breathe on Me, Breath of God (TRENTHAM)
26 Join We All with One Accord (GAUDEAMUS PARITER)
27 Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord (159 D, BECHLER)
28 In Christ There Is No East or West (14 T, ST. PETER)
29 Break Now the Bread of Life (BREAD OF LIFE)
30 Holy, Holy, Holy (144 C, NICAEA)
31 When Jesus Into Salem Rode (14 MANOAH)
32 Son of God, O Hear My Cry (581 G, PETRA)
33 Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above (MIT FREUDEN ZART)
34 O Word of God Incarnate (151 Aa, MUNICH)
35 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (14 Mm, DIADEM)
36 Crown Him with Many Crowns (595 C, DIADEMATA)
37 Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand (151 EASTHAM)
38 When peace, like a river (596 C, VILLE DU HAVRE)