Supporting the
Moravian Music Foundation
When you click a button and go to PayPal, you may choose from a drop-down list (see example below) to designate your contribution for a specific purpose that aligns with your interests:
- Donations to FRIENDS FUND support mission-critical activities and programs.
- Donations may be given IN HONOR OF or IN MEMORY OF a friend, colleague, loved one.
- Donations to ENDOWMENT ensure the long-term health of the Foundation.
- Donations may be given IN HONOR OF or IN MEMORY OF a friend, colleague, loved one.
- Donations to FESTIVAL provide free participation for children and youth.
- Donations to MORAMUS OR UNITAS CHORALE support concerts for the public.
You may, very easily, make this a recurring donation. (see example, below)
“PayPal is our trusted partner for receiving donations. It is easy to use and hides all bank and credit card information. Payments may be made with all major US credit or debit cards, or as an ACH directly from a standard checking account, and PayPal does not require registration or a PayPal account to purchase from this site.”
Donations may be given IN HONOR OF or IN MEMORY OF a friend, colleague, loved one.
(in PayPal, choose from the drop-down menu;
then, simply click “add a note” to write in the person’s name)

Our daily work is made possible by you.
Since 1956, the Moravian Music Foundation has pursued its mission effectively, efficiently, and accomplished many important tasks. Conservation and cataloging of the collections and other special publications and audio recordings were made possible largely through individual designated gifts, bequests, and, to a lesser degree, from grants and Moravian Church support.

The MMF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 56-063-7463). Gifts to the MMF are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Please consult your accountant or financial advisor for specific information.