Harmonious to Dwell

The Moravian Lower Brass plays Favorite Hymns
The title of the CD comes from verse 2 of What Brought Us Together, which emphasizes the joyful fellowship of the family of God: “Is this our high calling, harmonious to dwell, and thus in sweet concert Christ’s praises to tell, in peace and blessed union our moments to spend, and live in communion with Jesus our friend?”
– a question which is answered in jubilant affirmation.
The Moravian Lower Brass is the band equivalent of the sonority of a men’s chorus and produces a mellow, rich, and uniquely expressive sound. The 50 players participating in this recording include members of eighteen Moravian churches and fellowships and seven non-Moravian churches. The music of this recording is taken from the chorale books of the Moravian Church in America.
This CD contains 38 hymns played on brass instruments.
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