Moramus Chorale
Director: Amanda Schumpert
Accompanist: Mary Lou Kapp Peeples
Committee: Moramus Chorale President, Carol Southerland
The Moramus Chorale is a concert-level and recording-level performance ensemble of MMF. They have premiered new works by living composers and presented “first modern performances” of many (newly edited) works by historic composers. Chorale seeks talented singers, with an interest in Moravian music, who welcome a challenge and are committed to excellence.
Contact Info:
CONTACT: 457 South Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Telephone: (336) 725-0651
Rehearsals: Standing schedule for the 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00am, and the Fourth Tuesday of the month 7:00 – 9:00pm. (Saturday dress rehearsals and additional sectionals and rehearsals are common, scheduled as needed.)
Fries Memorial Moravian Church, 251 Hawthorne Rd N, Winston-Salem, NC
Concert Dates for 2024:
May 10, 7:00pm, Old Salem Visitor Center
June 29, 3:00pm, Old Salem Visitor Center
Oct. 25, 7:45pm, Old Salem Visitor Center
Carol kirby says
Interested in singing. Friends with a member who recommended you to me. Thanks!
Carol Kirby
Erik Salzwedel says
Passing your info along to Drake Flynt.