December 10, 2020
Advent & Christmas Edition
Thanks to all who participated on Dec. 10.
The Hosanna Whamm! were the winning team.
We hope to have another Moravian Trivia Challenge early next year.

Join Moravians from all over the country. Fun trivia about music, history, names and places, and the bible.
Open to all!
A project of MMF, Moravian Archives, and Board of Cooperative Ministries.
Test your skills.
Share your Moravian pride.
Show your inner “Zinzendork!?”
All participants are asked to register ahead and will be divided into groups upon joining the Zoom meeting.
Please plan to log on 15 minutes prior to make sure you get situated in time.
Game will last about an hour.
Once you register, the Zoom link will appear. Copy it into your calendar or bookmark it for later.
Here’s the Zoom registration LINK
Please use this link anytime prior to the game on DEC 10 to sign up.
All participants are asked to register ahead and will be divided into groups upon joining the Zoom meeting.
If you will have more than one person on the call, please let us know so we can keep the groups balanced.
Our goal is to make this
- fun, not frustrating!
- Challenging, but not impossible!
- Collaborative, not competitive!
Questions will be about Moravian…
& some Bible questions.
Go ahead and have your history books, biographies, hymnals, and Bibles handy.
There will be prizes.
After a set number of questions, in the event of a tie, game leaders will have discretion to break the tie.
We will start by making everyone comfortable with the technology and the rules of the game. There will be time set aside to get to know your group-mates.
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