On Dec. 18, Congress passed, and the President signed, the PATH Act, which makes permanent the provision that allows tax-free donation of assets from
A Chamber Music Adventure
Lunchtime Lecture:"A Chamber Music Adventure" Laura Dangerfield Stevens, lecturerArchie K. Davis Center, Winston-Salem, NC.Episode 27 - November 12,
Francis Florentine Hagen Anniversary Concert
Hagen Anniversary ConcertFrancis Florentine Hagen, Moravian Composer and Bishop from Salem, NC. (born, Franz Florentin)Moramus Chorale and works for
Moramus Chorale Vesper Service
Sunday, November 22 at 7:00pm Salemtowne, 190 Moravian Way Dr, Winston-Salem, NC, (336) 767-8130 www.salemtowne.org Moramus on
Parlor Music of Salem NC
♦ A Loving Home’s A Happy Home: 19th-Century Moravian Parlor Musicby Lisetta and Amelia Van Vleck, Carl Van Vleck & Francis F. HagenOrder
Newest MMF CD Release!!
The Osterkantate (Easter Cantata) by Ernst Wilhelm Wolf Performed by the Bach Festival Singers, Rollins College Singers, and Bach Festival Orchestra,
F. F. Hagen 200th Anniversary Concert
Francis Florentine Hagen Anniversary Concert Saturday, October 17, 2015 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm James A. Gray, Jr. Auditorium (900 Old Salem Road) A
MMF Fall Newsletter Posted
The MMF Fall 2015 Newsletter (XXX 2-3) is coming to your mailbox, soon, and available on the Resources page.
Salem Community Orchestra Concerts
August 23 The Salem Community Orchestra, James A. Basta, Music Director and Conductor. Summer Serenade. Info at 336-766-6712. Unity Moravian