Moravian & Moravian Music
Links of Interest
Helping to Keep Moravian Music
Alive and Well
NOTES FROM NOLA – a blog of interesting information, stories, and background of the Foundation
Moravian Music 101 – VIDEO on YouTube, Nola R Knouse, lecturer
Moravian Music 101 — long form – this can be presented to a class, civic group, or just read for your own enjoyment! Music examples can be included from one of our “sampler” CD’s or any recordings of Moravian music you have at hand.
Moravian Music 101 – short form – designed for a “moment for mission” in your congregation.
Keeping Track of the Details
a blog about the GemeinKat cataloging project by Barbara Strauss
Moravian Music:
Moravian Music on Wikipedia
Moravian Music Foundation on FACEBOOK
Moravian Music Foundation’s Blogspot
Moravian Bands:
European Continent Brass Festival 2019
Moravian Brass Band Union of South Africa
Moravian Band Events in the Winston-Salem area
Salem Band
Music Resources:
Art of the States
Carolina Music Ways
Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM) [for church musicians]
Moravian Music Resource Manual
Music Publisher’s Association: Copyright Resource Center
Moravian Archives, Bethlehem, PA
Moravian Archives, Winston-Salem, NC
Moravian Archives, Herrnhut, Germany
Historical Resources:
Bethlehem Digital History Project
Moravian Historical Society
Wachovia Historical Society
Moravian Resources:
The Moravian Lectionary
Moravian Church in North America
Moravian Church, Northern Province
Moravian Church, Southern Province
Artists who’ve worked with the MMF:
American Brass Quintet
Bach Festival Society of Winter Park, FL
Carolina Pro Musica
Magnolia Baroque Festival
Moravian College Music Department
Moravian Music Festival
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
North State Chorale
Piedmont Chamber Singers
Raleigh Camerata
Rollins College Music Department
Salem College Music Department
Two Part Invention
The Vivaldi Project
Winston Salem Symphony
Producers of Moravian Music Recordings
New World Records
DiscMakers (manufactures our MMF-produced CDs)
Photo Galleries
Find MMF Photo Galleries HERE.
Older websites, links and articles:
Bethlehem Digital History Project’s page about music
The Orlando Sentinel’s article about the Bach Festival Society’s February 25 concert
Extensive liner notes for “The Water Journey” CD which includes a great introduction to Moravian music
The Winston-Salem Business Journal’s article about the MMF’s endowment campaign
Ken Keuffel’s article about the “Moravian Music: 1410-2006” concert given in September 2006
Moravian Music Resource Manual
Article about the Inuits of Labrador and their history with 18th and 19th century European music
Book reviews of “Moravian Music: An Introduction” and “Opening a Can of Worms” (scroll down a ways)
Extensive liner notes from “Antes Trios and Peter Quintets” CD
Home page for the Salem Moravian Brass Bands of Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Article by the Moravian Archives in Winston-Salem, NC about the 1615 Czech-language hymnal