The Psalm of Joy
The Original 1783 Ode,
created to celebrate and give thanks to God for peace in the land.
Led by the Moramus Chorale at the Old Salem Visitors Center
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Old Salem Visitor Center
900 Old Salem Rd., Winston-Salem, NC
CONCERT #2 in the Series of Serenades
Please join us at the Old Salem Visitor Center in Winston-Salem, for a concert featuring both the 1800 Tannenberg organ and the Moramus Chorale. Psalm of Joy will feature the Tannenberg organ and the Moramus Chorale singing an ode of thanksgiving for peace, by Johann Friedrich Peter, from the very first organized Independence Day Celebration in 1783.
The audience (congregation) will join on the hymns.
This concert made possible with the generous support of Old Salem Museums and Gardens (about Old Salem)

James A Gray Auditorium
Old Salem Visitor Center
900 Old Salem Rd., Winston-Salem, NC

The daughter of a Moravian minister, Mary Lou Kapp Peeples began organ study at age twelve and in the same year assumed her first post as a church organist. Thor Johnson asked her to accompany Moravian Music Festivals. She played for seven of these festivals with Johnson and Ewald Nolte, and returned in 1984 as organ clinician for the international festival. She has performed numerous recitals in the United States and France, and her performances have been heard on National Public Radio and Alabama Public Radio. As harpsichord soloist, she was featured three times with members of the Montgomery and Alabama Symphony Orchestras in performances of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 5. She has also performed with Carolina Baroque and Carolina Chamber Symphony.
Mrs. Kapp Peeples earned music performance degrees from Salem College and the Eastman School of Music. For over twenty years she and her husband Wade were professors of music at Judson College, where they received several awards for teaching excellence. They now live in Winston-Salem, where she serves as organist at Calvary Moravian Church and accompanist for the Moramus Chorale.
The Moramus Chorale is a performing and recording vocal ensemble of the Moravian Music Foundation. They have premiered new works by living composers and presented “first modern performances” of many (newly edited) works by historic composers. The Chorale seeks talented singers, with an interest in Moravian music, who welcome a challenge and are committed to excellence.
Director: Drake Flynt, Director of Music at King Moravian Church, and conductor of the Great Sabbath Service of Music and Moramus Chorale.
Accompanist: Mary Louise Kapp Peeples
With gratefulness for our season sponsors:
Sallie Greenfield and John Dyer,
Old Salem Museums & Gardens,
Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation,
Karen Millican,
and Anonymous
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