Moravian Music Foundation Resources
Searchable Database for Anthems:
Developed by David Blum, Research Librarian, this database combines all anthems, whether in the Moravian Star Anthem Series or previously published by an outside publisher (out or print).
Concordance to the Moravian Book of Worship
The Concordance to the Moravian Book of Worship indexes every hymn in the Moravian Book of Worship, the official hymnal of the Moravian Church in America, published in 1995 by the Interprovincial Board of Publications and Communications.

Companion to the Moravian Book of Worship provides history and information about every hymn in the Moravian Book of Worship. Buy Now>
Example: Hymn 395 “When Christians Shared Agape Meals”
The text was written in 1985 by David A. Robb (b.1932), a retired Un. Methodist minister who has written over 100 hymn texts. Written in response to his attending a lovefeast at Central Moravian Church during a Hymn Society Conference. He sent his text to John Giesler.
The tune LOVEFEAST was composed by John H. Giesler (b. 1932) in 1986. Giesler is an American Moravian minister who served in Nicaragua, North Carolina, and Florida and was a member of the hymns committee for the Moravian Book of Worship. He served as President of the Hymn Society of America.
- Moravian Music Worship Resource Manual — a useful tool for music planning during the church year
- Moravian Book of Worship available on the MMF Website
- Companion to the Moravian Book of Worship available on the MMF Website
Odes, Orders of Service, Bulletins, Programs, etc.
- General Lovefeast outline
- Stewardship Lovefeast example
- Mission Lovefeast example
- Lovefeast example from Winter Park FL
- Singstunde: The Lord’s Prayer
- Singstunde: Celebrating the Essentials of the Moravian Faith
- Resources for the Moravian Church may be found HERE.
Published Moravian Vocal Music: A Catalog (August 2002 edition)
This catalog provides listing for Moravian vocal music published in the twentieth century in America. For each entry the following information is included: Composer name and dates; English title; German title; year of publication; publisher’s catalog number; suggestions for use; voice parts; instrumental parts; editor; in-print status; source of text; translator; and comments.
- Introduction to the Vocal Music Catalog (PDF; 4 pages)
- Vocal Music Catalog (PDF; 46 pages)
Band Book Lists
Full lists of the tunes in both the GREEN and BLUE band books: by Tune Name and by Hymn Name . These lists also include which key the tune is in, and what page the tune appears in the blue 1995 Moravian Book of Worship, as well as the older Red and Black editions of the Moravian hymnal. Many thanks to Jill Bruckart for these lists!
Band Books for sale from MMF WEBSITE
Please visit our Research page for more information about doing scholarly research within the unique American collections of the Moravian Church musical archives at the Moravian Music Foundation.
To search original manuscripts in the archived collections, please go to GEMEINKAT