Even in the most difficult times,
music fills our lives with joy and assurance.
For your convenience and our preparation…
…for research projects or consultations, please call ahead to schedule a meeting.
MMF continues to conduct most business online and by email – ALL products and resources and services are available. While we now have staff physically present at MMF offices, please call or email ahead to discern the latest protocols and make an appointment or plan a visit.
Winston-Salem Office
Archie K Davis Center
Click: Special Guidelines
457 South Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Telephone: (336) 725-0651
Email: info@moravianmusic.org
Bethlehem Office
Moravian Archives, Northern Province
Click: Special Guidelines
41 West Locust Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Telephone: (610) 866-3340
Email: gwyn@moravianmusic.org
Hours Open to the Public:
Monday – Friday
9:30am – 12 noon, 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Doors remain locked during the day; please ring bell for entry.
Hours Open to the Public:
Monday – Friday
9:00am to 4:30pm
Winston-Salem Staff
Staff in the Winston-Salem Office
Director – Rev. Nola Reed Knouse, Ph.D.
Office Manager – Sarah Wright
Business Manager – Erik J. Salzwedel
Research Librarian – David Blum
Catalog Project Manager – Barbara Strauss
Bethlehem Staff
Staff in the Bethlehem Office
Assistant Director – Gwyneth A. Michel
Is your congregation planning to re-gather in person?

guidance for churches and agencies and individual members:
From David Guthrie and the Provincial Elders’ Conference (Southern):
Memo, dated Sept. 17, provides guidance for church gatherings, offices and facilities in light of the September 4 NC Governor’s Executive Order.
Memo, Sept. 18, provides further guidance and information about symptom screening and steps to take should someone test positive for COVID-19
Monday, Aug 3 – UPDATES
MMF will continue to conduct business online and by email, although we will have limited staff physically present at MMF offices on an increasing basis, but with a limited schedule.
Please call or email ahead to make appointments.
August – CLICK for North Carolina Guidance
August – CLICK for Pennsylvania Guidance
Wednesday, July 1 – UPDATES
MMF will continue to conduct business online and by email, although we will have limited staff physically present at MMF offices on an increasing basis, but with a limited schedule.
Please call or email ahead to make appointments.
July 1 – CLICK for North Carolina Guidance
July 1 – CLICK for Pennsylvania Guidance

Pennsylvania is in Yellow Phase
MMF staff will be onsite at the Bethlehem MMF office on a limited basis; the building will remain closed to the public until Northampton County (PA) is permitted to enter the “Green” Phase. At that time, the Archives and MMF will continue to limit the total number of people in the building. Please call 610-866-3340 or email to make appointments. gwyn@moravianmusic.org

North Carolina is in Phase Two
MMF will continue to conduct business online and by email, with a limited schedule in the Winston-Salem MMF offices. The Archives is also on a limited schedule. Please call 336-725-0651 or email info@moravianmusic.org
“All businesses in North Carolina are strongly encouraged to continue directing employees to telework, if possible. Additionally, non-essential travel and in-person meetings should be avoided.”
– North Carolina Phase 2 Guidelines
Pennsylvania Work & Congregate Setting Restrictions:
- Telework Must Continue Where Feasible
- All must wear face-coverings in public
- Businesses Must Follow Business and Building Safety Orders“
June 10 Winston-Salem Journal Health Report on Forsyth County (NC) includes:
- A record number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in Forsyth Co.
- Forsyth’s rate of infection & hospitalizations have risen steadily since mid-May (we entered Phase 2 on May 22)
- Forsyth’s infection rate per 100,000 people is higher than the state’s, and has been so since May 18
- 90 new cases were identified in Forsyth County, yesterday
And in other reports
- NC is one of 9 states where hospitalizations have increased since the Memorial Day holiday (Washington Post)
- NC is one of 14 states that have experienced their highest 7-day average of new cases (The Guardian)
- Healthline and the New York Times also show NC as among the states with increasing case count and rate – more than can be accounted for just by increased testing
Staying in touch,
while keeping our distance…
Physically distant, socially connected.
The effects of the pandemic on music and worship:
For guidance about musical ensemble safety:
Further guidance by the PEC of the Moravian Church, Southern Province:
Tuesday, May 19 & Friday, May 22 UPDATES
MMF will continue to conduct business online and by email, although we may begin to be physically present at the Winston-Salem MMF offices on an increasing basis. The PA office remains closed.
Covid-19 Considerations for the Foundation, as a business:
Following CDC guidance, both NC and PA are continuing restrictions on groups and businesses. NC is entering Phase Two of a loosening of restrictions with more businesses opening, with guidelines and limitations.
Under Phase Two, restaurants and bars would be allowed to serve a limited number of on-site customers, and entertainment venues could reopen with reduced capacity. More people would be allowed to gather publicly, and playgrounds could reopen. (Raleigh News & Observer)
The number of new daily cases continues to climb in North Carolina but other key trends, such as hospitalizations and the percentage of positive tests, have remained steady or are falling.
Read more (Raleigh News & Observer)
Thursday, March 26 UPDATE
Following CDC guidance, both NC and PA are increasing restrictions on groups and businesses in an effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 virus, so we will not be physically present at the Winston-Salem MMF offices after 4:30pm Friday, 3/27/20. more info
We will have remote connectivity and will be
happy to communicate through emails:
or directly to each staff member’s contact info
Monday, March 23, 2020 INFORMATION
Interprovincial Board of Communication (IBOC) is working with MMF to provide resources for churches moving to livestream-at-home worship services. We recorded some music just this week!
Please visit moravianmusic.org and moravian.org for links, as these unique resources become available.
The Board of Cooperative Ministries (BCM) is offering a range of resources. Click on “Covid-19” for electronic and other special resources for this time.
During this time of no rehearsals nor concerts, enjoy new Moravian music and instructional videos on MMF’s YouTube Channel. (we’ve been busy!)
Abundant topics of interest are also provided throughout the website, but especially at NOTES FROM NOLA and GEMEINKAT: KEEPING TRACK OF THE DETAILS.
Moravian Music and Educational Vids on YouTube
Monday, March 16, 2020
On Saturday, March 14, 2020, North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, issued an executive order prohibiting all gatherings of over 100 people, to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of this recommendation, Moravian Music Foundation (MMF), will postpone and reschedule some upcoming events and performances. As new dates are confirmed, the MMF will make public announcements and post them here, on the website, and on Facebook.
The Archives in Bethlehem is closed for the remainder of March, so MMF’s Northern Province office phone will not be active. The staff of MMF is available by phone and email using the contacts on our STAFF page.
For now, the Winston-Salem office is open, but we encourage visitors to call to discuss needs and requests and to order products online. We will be happy to reduce shipping costs, if that is a deterrent, and will institute an easy pick-up policy with “safe distancing,” i.e, products ordered may be picked up from the southwest porch of the Archie K Davis Center, behind Cedarhyrst (Provincial offices) in Old Salem.
We are in dialogue with the Interprovincial Board of Communication (IBOC) and the Board of Cooperative Ministries (BCM) to provide resources for churches moving to livestream-at-home worship services. Please visit moravianmusic.org and moravian.org for links as these unique resources become available.
While lectures, workshops, concerts are on hold, please visit the VIDEO page to view concerts and lectures. Abundant topics of interest are also provided throughout the website, but especially at NOTES FROM NOLA and GEMEINKAT: KEEPING TRACK OF THE DETAILS.
Lastly, MMF is planning a virtual meeting(s) in March to replace the biennial Board of Trustees spring meeting in Bethlehem, PA.
Peace and blessings to those on the front lines, those at risk, infirmed, isolated, or separated from loved ones.
Please let us know how we may help.
Information noted.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we will continue to pray and keep faith focus.
May we be safe.
Keep us posted regarding meeting changes.
This is going to be a new way of life.
God’s blessings to all.